Sunday, March 29, 2009

To Pan

I am sickened by your name. Disgusted at the thought of you.

Do not regard me as friend nor equal. I want not my name spoken in the same breath as yours. No...we are different creatures alltogther.

You are a coward. A liar. You are Peter Pan...a dagger at your waist and empty promises on your lips. You fly around with so much swagger and keep a great company of boys. They, a group of mortals even weaker than you...idolize their boy-king with sickening dedication.

You wish and you want, you talk and you flaunt. You speak of love yet you have never felt its burden. You speak of pain yet you have never felt its true sting. And speak not of sacrifice, imposter. For there again, you know not of what you speak.

Enjoy your idleness. Commit yourself to nothing. Promise your strength to no one. Taste and leave, kiss and fly away.

Leave the work to me, boy. For I am Hood. Leave the danger to Robin and his few men. We will fight the battles that you walked away from. We will stand our ground where you have run. We will slay the dragon where you have pissed in your pants. I will rescue the raven-haired beauty. I will take from those who have taken. I will right the wrongs you wrought. 

You enjoy your bountiful Neverland, Pan. As I will enjoy the cold simplicity of my camp. You enjoy the fleeting allegiance of Lost Boys. As I will enjoy the brotherhood of warriors. 

So you go, child. You go and you play and you waste your life away. You do whatever puts a smile on your pretty little face and a giggle in your delicate throat. You live for yourself, enjoy your "freedom." You go ahead...piss away time and never grow up. Walk the path you have chosen and walk it well, boy. 

But should you someday feel the cold steel of my blade pressed to your not struggle. 

For you were beaten long ago.


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